Did you know that:
The male hormone is responsible for not just increased hair growth but also increased sebum production thereby resulting in acne breakouts and clogged pores
Male skin is 25% thicker than women which might make their skin look plumper but is also the cause for dry and rough skin.
While shaving everyday equals daily exfoliation it also leads to razor bumps and increased sensitivity.
The sebum is more prone to be trapped in the hair follicles due to regular shaving which also causes increased sensitivity.
Men are habitually more careless about their daily skin care routine. More like ‘face wash and go kind’.

If you identify with point 6 then a monthly face treatment would be perfect for you, wouldn't it? You can definitely spare an hour in a month and get your face on track!! Maybe we could persuade you to improve your daily skin care routine too!
Treat it like personal grooming.. Think of face treatments like haircuts: you trust a professional to cut your hair, why would you not trust a professional for your face? A lot of men just cleanse their face with body soap, followed by a shave and after shave lotion. It is not enough.
Soaps are extremely harsh for the skin, leaving it feeling dry and further aggravate the sensitivity which is already compromised due to daily shaving.

A typical facial for men will last 45 minutes and will comprise of: removal of blackheads, exfoliation with fruit enzymes, and a pressure point massage, cooling rollers followed by a mask.