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A decade long corporate life full of field trips to chemical plants, to many vendor factories, to jostling in dusty grimy crowded lanes of so many bazars in Delhi.. slowly drew my attention to my skin.  But I didn't worry too much because of the ever discerning gaze of who I had closest to me - my mother. 


Over time, I realized that a different passion had long been creeping into me, which probably had started right from when I was a little girl. As my mother fussed over me, scolded me, told me the little nuances of taking care of my skin.. hah. I heard it, I absorbed it, but still carried on as before. "C'mon mom, I've got targets to hit at work!”. But as my dynamic skin condition became "more obvious" to me, I decided to change tracks. 


















I left my corporate life, joined my mother, Dolly Kapoor and began training closely with her at her skin clinic. This turned into a 16 year long collaboration. Training so closely with her instilled a deep understanding of what it means to work as a responsible esthetician. During this time, I also had the privilege of training with Bio Jouvance and Dermalogica and attended international workshops and industry forums. 


Thea Skincare in Gurgaon was opened in 2015 taking the best practices from my mother's well known skin treatment clinic in Delhi - Dolly's Beauty Clinque. She ran her clinic for over 40 years, it was always ahead of her peers, with this beautifully unique, understated style. A style which attracted a very select and discerning clientele for over three generations. A style that has been consciously adopted at Thea.

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